YES Guidelines
Effective August 8, 2024
The Clements Y.E.S. Program's purpose is to connect students and community members with service opportunities requested in and by the local community. Throughout the past several years, we have been lenient with accepting virtual and passive volunteer hours because of COVID precautions. Since most precautions are no longer necessary, we are going back to pre-COVID procedures and will no longer be accepting virtual service. Note that this includes virtual signatures on service forms.
Please be aware that there is a limit of 10 hours of passive volunteer hours per year of high school (9, 10, 11, 12). Passive volunteer hours constitute service that is performed where the student does not interact with the people that the non-profit is serving. Passive service examples include but are not limited to: letter/note writing, making cookies, decorating bags, making posters or making other requested items to donate. Active service is service that directly impacts the people/animals the non-profit is trying to serve. Virtual activities, such as online tutoring, will need to be approved by the administrator prior to service. If you have any specific questions about what will/will not be accepted, please email the administrator before you volunteer.
We highly encourage students to start early! Do not wait until the last minute to start your volunteering activities. The Y.E.S. committee does our best, but occasionally we make mistakes. We reserve the right to fix mistakes as we discover them. We also reserve the right to accept all or a portion of your hours according to the guidelines.
Being rude or intimidating to any YES coordinator in person or via email is unacceptable. It is the responsibility of the student to correctly complete all YES forms (NO DIGITALLY-COMPLETED FORMS). Remember that we as a committee reserve the right to approve and decline hours as we see fit. Much like an English teacher subjectively grades essays, YES reviews submission forms in the same way. The more details, complete sentences, and explanations that are on the form, the better chance that you have that your hours will be carefully reviewed.
Acceptable Y.E.S Hours
- Volunteering MUST be at a not-for-profit organization [501(c)(3)] to be accepted as Y.E.S. hours. This means that it needs to be registered with the IRS.
- This includes the organization or agency that represents the business sponsors of any charitable events benefitting the general community other than the business itself.
- This also includes the service-oriented youth volunteer programs run under certain business entities such as hospitals and senior centers.
- Virtual service will no longer be accepted for Y.E.S. hours. This includes but is not limited to online tutoring, online music lessons, etc.
- Please Note:
- Verify the non-profit status with the organization before volunteering.
- Eligibility of the organization/activity is determined by the Y.E.S. program coordinators.
- Please make sure to volunteer for a minimum of 5 different organizations in order to qualify for the Y.E.S. medal. Anything done for Clements is considered one organization. For example, Run Thru Cru, Ranger Camp, I-Fest and Conservancy Club would all be considered serving for one organization (Clements).
- Please note: You MUST use the current Clements Service form available here. Old forms and forms from other schools' Y.E.S. programs will not be accepted.
- If you are a member of an organization/club/YIPS/youth program, volunteering is accepted as Y.E.S. hours only after you have met your own program requirements.
- Accepted are: participation in events administered by your organization to benefit other non-profit organizations or the general communities.
- Not accepted are:
- Donations (we are no longer offering service hours for donations);
- meetings;
- practice time;
- service done during school hours (this includes but is not limited to Junior Achievement, assisting teachers during school hours, etc.);
- fund-raising (exceptions need to be authorized PRIOR to the event);
- administrative activities;
- planning and preparation time (i.e., preparing lessons for tutoring), etc.;
- hours from student created / student run organizations due to the lack of adult oversight;
- Manning a concession stand for school-related events, fundraising for clubs, or other related activities which do NOT benefit the volunteering student as a member of the team are acceptable. Eg. A band member volunteering to man the volleyball concession stand, but not the Band concession stand.
- Not accepted are: community service hours used to obtain reorganization (such as Scout Badges) or to satisfy the requirements from the organization you belong to (eg. NHS, YIP, Student Council, etc.). Double-dipping is unacceptable. For example, hours used towards NHS or YIP are being used for those organizations and therefore do not qualify for Y.E.S. Hours beyond those required by the organization may count (with proof that requirements have been met).
- Not accepted are: hours earned through internships. Internship are valuable as a method to gain experience in a field you may be interested in. However, internships do not qualify as a SERVICE activity and therefore do not qualify for Y.E.S.
- Baby-sitting is only an acceptable Y.E.S. volunteer activity in the following cases and upon approval of the Y.E.S. program coordinators:
- for families with special-needs children;
- in medical emergencies;
- for teachers to attend a school-related function.
- In general, baby-sitting siblings is not accepted.
- Tutoring must be under a structured program, such as schools or community centers. Tutoring time consists of actual instruction time spent with students. All YES forms must have a teacher's signature. Note: Tutoring at learning centers (for-profit organizations) is not accepted for Y.E.S. hours.
- Political campaigns: working for a particular candidate will not count for Y.E.S. hours, but working in a general "get out the vote" effort that doesn't promote one candidate or political party over the other may count for Y.E.S. hours. Working to get out the vote from a particular candidate's office will not be included for Y.E.S. hours.
- Blood drives: 1 donation = 1 Y.E.S. hour.
- Participation in charity walks/runs/rides is accepted for Y.E.S. hours. One participation in a charity walk/run/ride = 1 Y.E.S. hour.
- Participation in medical studies is not accepted for Y.E.S. hours.
- Participating (including proctoring) in surveys is not accepted for Y.E.S. hours.
- Travel time to and from an event does not count. Hours may only be counted from the beginning to the end of the service.
- Doubled or bonus hours will not be accepted.
- Performance-oriented community service: only the performance (live or recorded), not the practice/training, is counted as Y.E.S. hours. MAX 1 service hour will be accepted.
- Senior living/retirement homes: hours in senior centers will not be accepted.
- All hours must be signed off by a sponsoring adult. A sponsoring adult may not include a parent / guardian, sibling. Students cannot sign off for other students.
- Hospitals/Doctors: Volunteering at a hospital is acceptable with an official log from the hospital's volunteer program; however, working at a doctor's office is not, unless the doctor is donating his/her time to a free clinic.
- Acceptable: Working with your youth group at a food pantry or shelter, building a Habitat House, helping with Special Olympics, and delivering Meals on Wheels are forms of acceptable service. These are just examples.
- Not Acceptable: Any service that solely benefits a religious affiliation, such as teaching religious school, being a teacher aide in religious school, setting up the musical system for services, setting up for religious programs, and cleaning the facility after services are NOT acceptable examples of service hours. This list is not inclusive.
Community Service Activities through Religious Affiliation:
Y.E.S. Program Requirements
- The required hours for recognition are 100 hours across five different organizations by graduation.
- In order to make the recognition deadline, senior participants must submit all their Y.E.S. hours by March 31st.
- You can continue to submit Y.E.S. hours beyond the first 100 hours. They are recorded in the system.
- Only 25 total summer hours across all 4 years count towards your required 100 hours.
- You may begin earning summer hours during the summer before freshman year, but you will be unable to submit them before the school year starts.
- Hours completed at school during the closing and opening phases of the year will count as regular school hours, and not summer hours. Acceptable examples include: helping teachers during the last day of school, helping with freshman orientation, helping teachers set up their classrooms before the start of the school year, and helping with textbooks before the beginning of the school year.
- The summer hours beyond the limit of 25 are recorded as extra hours in the system.
- Up to 8 hours for any 24-hour period is accepted.
- If you work multiple days, weeks, or months on a particular project, provide a log of the dates and hours worked and attach it to your Y.E.S. Form.
- Y.E.S. hours must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date of service. For ongoing activity (i.e. Generation Youth, libraries, Red Cross), the acceptable period is extended to 12 months, i.e., the oldest activity in the log / form is no more than 12 months from the date of service and the log / form must be submitted within 6 months of the last date of service.
- It is your responsibility to review the status of your submission. If you do not submit a review request within one month of your form's rejection (not including summer months), you forfeit the right for review.
- The Y.E.S. form and the log must be signed by an ADULT representative of the organization you volunteer for, NOT BY A STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE.
- A form with any altered item is not accepted. A new form with proper signature is required.
- We encourage you to bring a copy of your form with you when you turn in your hours. The copy will be stamped and returned to you for your record. This is proof that your form was submitted.
- Please submit your form ONLINE or IN PERSON, but not both.
- Your submitted Y.E.S. hours, upon approval, are entered in the Y.E.S. Program system. You can query for your Y.E.S. hour records online at You must create an account to receive access.
- It is the responsibility of the student to correctly complete all YES forms, and to consult the Y.E.S. Coordinators if he or she has any questions.
- All service hours are subject to the Y.E.S. Committee approval.
- We do our best to check hours and may contact the organization if we have questions. Anyone caught falsifying hours may be removed from Y.E.S.
- Pace yourself! You may not accrue 100 hours in a 12 month period. Make sure that you are working throughout your high school experience.